[27] Queer church and fabulous nails.

Posted: October 3, 2011 in Uncategorized
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So, now I’m going to church.

Don’t panic, I haven’t come over all fundamentalist. My housemate goes to the PMCC (Peninsula Metropolitan Community Church) nearby, which is part of a big organization of queer-friendly, trans-welcoming churches who preach a mixed bag of religion and spirituality, and don’t mind if you’re a bit edgy about believing in God. If you click the link and look at the picture, you’ll see my housemate near the bottom right-hand corner: look for the blue hair and big grin. He invited me to come check things out and meet the people, who were super welcoming. I liked the community vibe and Rev Terri, who’s an awesome queer butch-flavoured woman married to an equally awesome woman (both of them are in the picture, too, holding hands at the front), so I kept going. The Sunday sermons give me a chance to slow down and think about things, like the shape of my own morality and the weak spots in my character I want to improve.

Anyhow, today was the Feast of St Francis, so people were invited to bring their pets. Z and I took four rats, who were so good. I had the oldest boy, Twister, sitting on my shoulder for most of the service.

(It’s worth mentioning at this point that I also got drafted into the choir. My voice is unaltered as of yet, but low enough to sing tenor, which they’re happy to let me do. Tons of fun. Also means that Z — who’s also in the choir — and I spend most of the service front and centre, along with the rest of choir.)

The rats were a runaway show-stopper, especially with the kids. People loved them. One lady asked us to take a picture of Twister being held by her and her daughter. I wound up sitting down with a bunch of kids who wanted to hold them and feed them and ask a bunch of questions; it was pretty cute.

And one of the boys was wearing glittery orange nail polish, which led to an interesting moment.

Me: I love your nails. They’re fabulous.
Little boy: *gets all embarrassed*
Little girl A: I don’t think he’s supposed to wear it.
Me: Because he’s a boy?
Little girl B: *enthusiastic nod*
Me: I’m wearing nail-polish. I got a pedicure done the other day. Want to see? *shows off shiny chocolate-coloured toenails*
Little girl A: *startled* Boys can wear nail-polish?
Me: Sure, why not? It’s fun.
Little boy: *lights up*

I’ve never actually had a pedicure before this week, but I’ve always wanted to try it, and I managed to score a part-time admin job at a real estate place, so I figured I might as well treat myself and Z. It’s a strange experience, but fun: there’s more poking with sharp tools than I expected, but I got a foot rub and various other nice things, and none of the women batted an eye at the two transdudes debating polish colours (Z got dark blue). We joked a lot about it being the most transgressive thing we’d done recently.

Turns out it kind of was.

  1. Phi says:

    Hey, congrats on the job!! And very nice nail polish. =) I’d be more likely to go for the glittery orange myself (well, you know me…), but the chocolate brown is quite suave.

  2. Congrats on the job and the community service of convincing little boys that nail varnish is the most fun you can ever have (ok, I may be exaggerating. We know eyeliner comes before nail varnish). My brother used to wear it all the time and he’s straight/ male as anything, so it’s not even like little boy has to become big girl in the future.

    Also, you move away and get all churchy? You know Ash is gonna mock you for that 😉

    • Also, never had a proper pedicure, but my Dad used to attack my horrible toenails regularly, and it’s painful! I’m sure the proddy things aren’t for drawing blood…

  3. Amethyst says:

    Congrats on the job, and I’m glad the pedicure was fun!

  4. I’ve had a pedicure once in my life (part of a spa-package present from my roommate, to celebrate taking the bar). When the attendant started massaging my feet I nearly kicked her in the face. I hadn’t expected it to be that ticklish!

    Glad you’re having a good experience at church, and a good time with the pets and the kids. 🙂

  5. Kyle says:

    I love that you were able to support that little boy and give the little girl a lot to think about. That’s really awesome.

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